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Lab Members

Come Join us!

Opportunities are open for students and postdocs enthusiastic about biological evolution, including bachelors projects (Iniciação Científica), master's, PhD and post doc for various starting dates. If you're interested, write an email to fhenning @ acd . ufrj . br (remove spaces). Make sure to state what interests you and tell me something about your background

Meet The Team

Principal investigator

Master's student investigating the molecular evolution and expression of opsin genes

PhD student. Camila's project involved building a draft reference and investigating sex determination in Neotropical cichlids

Camila Nacif

Master's student looking at the composition of crab cakes ("casquinhas de siri") through the development of a novel amplicon-seq assay

Master's student investigating gene expression differences related to hypertrophied lips in Crenicichla cichlids

Pre-Doc investigating trophic niche specialization in Crenicichla for her pre-project.

PhD student at the CONICET program in Argentina looking at the genetic basis of hypertrophied lips and genome evolution in Crenicichla

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