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Peer-reviewed Articles

29 - Villela LB, PH Carvalho, A Vilasboa, GT Rodríguez-Rey, F Henning, T Grothues and AM Solé-Cava (Early View). Deep genetic divergence among bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) of the Southwestern Atlantic. Zoologica Scripta. PDF


28 - Alvarenga M, AKP D’Elia, G Rocha, CA Arantes, F Henning, AT Vasconcelos, AM Solé-Cava (2024) Mitochondrial genome structure and composition in 70 fishes: a key resource for fisheries management in the South Atlantic. BMC Genomics 25: 215. PDF


27 - Nacif C, C Kratochwil, G Machado-Schiaffino, A Kautt, A Meyer & F Henning (2023). Molecular parallelism in the evolution of a master sex-determining role for the anti-mullerian hormone receptor 2 gene (amhr2) in Midas cichlids. Molecular Ecology 32: 1398-1410



26 - Kratochwil, CF, AF Kautt, A Nater, A Harer, Y Liang, F Henning and A Meyer (2022) An intronic transposon insertion associates with a trans-species color polymorphism in midas cichlid fishes. Nature Communications 13:296 PDF


25 - Souza, DS, WR Clemente, F Henning and AM Solé-Cava (2021) From fish-markets to restaurants: Substitution prevalence along the flatfish commercialization chain in brazil. Fisheries Research 243:106095 PDF


24 - Alvarenga, M, AM Solé-Cava and F Henning (2021) What's in a name? Phylogenetic species identification reveals extensive trade of endangered guitarfishes and sharks. Biological Conservation 257:109119 PDF


23 - Kautt, AF, CF Kratochwil, A Nater, G Machado-Schiaffino, M Olave, F Henning, J Torres-Dowdall, A Harer, CD Hulsey, P Franchini, M Pippel, EW Myers and A Meyer (2020) Contrasting signatures of genomic divergence during sympatric speciation. Nature 588:106-11 PDF


PI's publications prior to starting this lab


22 - Kratochwil, CF, Y Liang, J Gerwin, JM Woltering, S Urban, F Henning, G Machado-Schiaffino, CD Hulsey and A Meyer (2018) Agouti-related peptide 2 facilitates convergent evolution of stripe patterns across cichlid fish radiations. Science 362:457-60 PDF


21 - Irisarri, I, P Singh, S Koblmuller, J Torres-Dowdall, F Henning, P Franchini, C Fischer, AR Lemmon, EM Lemmon, GG Thallinger, C Sturmbauer and A Meyer (2018) Phylogenomics uncovers early hybridization and adaptive loci shaping the radiation of lake tanganyika cichlid fishes. Nature Communications 9:3159 PDF


20 - Torres-Dowdall, J, MER Pierotti, A Harer, N Karagic, JM Woltering, F Henning, KR Elmer and A Meyer (2017) Rapid and parallel adaptive evolution of the visual system of neotropical midas cichlid fishes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34:2469-85 PDF


19 - Serpeloni, F, K Radtke, SG de Assis, F Henning, D Natt and T Elbert (2017) Grandmaternal stress during pregnancy and DNA methylation of the third generation: An epigenome-wide association study. Translational Psychiatry 7:e1202 PDF


18 - Machado-Schiaffino, G, AF Kautt, J Torres-Dowdall, L Baumgarten, F Henning and A Meyer (2017) Incipient speciation driven by hypertrophied lips in midas cichlid fishes? Molecular Ecology 26:2348-62 PDF


17 - Hulsey, CD, G Machado-Schiaffino, L Keicher, D Ellis-Soto, F Henning and A Meyer (2017) The integrated genomic architecture and evolution of dental divergence in east african cichlid fishes (Haplochromis chilotes x H. nyererei). G3 7:3195-202 PDF


16 - Henning, F, G Machado-Schiaffino, L Baumgarten and A Meyer (2017) Genetic dissection of adaptive form and function in rapidly speciating cichlid fishes. Evolution 71:1297-312 PDF


15 - Fruciano, C, P Franchini, V Kovacova, KR Elmer, F Henning and A Meyer (2016) Genetic linkage of distinct adaptive traits in sympatrically speciating crater lake cichlid fish. Nature Communications 7:12736 PDF


14 - Torres-Dowdall, J, F Henning, KR Elmer and A Meyer (2015) Ecological and lineage-specific factors drive the molecular evolution of rhodopsin in cichlid fishes. Molecular Biology and Evolution 32:2876-82 PDF


13 - Baumgarten, L, G Machado-Schiaffino, F Henning and A Meyer (2015) What big lips are good for: On the adaptive function of repeatedly evolved hypertrophied lips of cichlid fishes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 115:448-55 PDF


12 - Machado-Schiaffino, G, F Henning and A Meyer (2014) Species-specific differences in adaptive phenotypic plasticity in an ecologically relevant trophic trait: Hypertrophic lips in midas cichlid fishes. Evolution 68:2086-91 PDF


11 - Henning, F and A Meyer (2014) The evolutionary genomics of cichlid fishes: Explosive speciation and adaptation in the postgenomic era. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 15:417-41 PDF


10 - Franchini, P, C Fruciano, ML Spreitzer, JC Jones, KR Elmer, F Henning and A Meyer (2014) Genomic architecture of ecologically divergent body shape in a pair of sympatric crater lake cichlid fishes. Molecular Ecology 23:1828-45 PDF


09 - Henning, F, HJ Lee, P Franchini and A Meyer (2014) Genetic mapping of horizontal stripes in lake victoria cichlid fishes: Benefits and pitfalls of using RAD markers for dense linkage mapping. Molecular Ecology 23:5224-40 PDF


08 - Henning, F, JC Jones, P Franchini and A Meyer (2013) Transcriptomics of morphological color change in polychromatic Midas cichlids. BMC Genomics 14:171 PDF


07 - Henning, F and A Meyer (2012) Eggspot number and sexual selection in the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni. PLoS One 7:e43695 PDF


06 - Henning, F, CB Moyses, D Calcagnotto, A Meyer and LF de Almeida-Toledo (2011) Independent fusions and recent origins of sex chromosomes in the evolution and diversification of glass knife fishes (Eigenmannia). Heredity 106:391-400 PDF


05 - Henning, F, AJ Renz, S Fukamachi and A Meyer (2010) Genetic, comparative genomic, and expression analyses of the mc1r locus in the polychromatic midas cichlid fish (Teleostei, Cichlidae Amphilophus sp.) species group. Journal of Molecular Evolution 70:405-12 PDF


04 - Sanetra, M, F Henning, S Fukamachi and A Meyer (2009) A microsatellite-based genetic linkage map of the cichlid fish, astatotilapia burtoni (teleostei): A comparison of genomic architectures among rapidly speciating cichlids. Genetics 182:387-97 PDF


03 - Henning, F, V Trifonov, MA Ferguson-Smith and LF de Almeida-Toledo (2008) Non-homologous sex chromosomes in two species of the genus Eigenmannia (teleostei: Gymnotiformes). Cytogenet Genome Res 121:55-8 PDF


02 - Henning, F, V Trifonov and LF de Almeida-Toledo (2008) Use of chromosome microdissection in fish molecular cytogenetics. Genetics and Molecular Biology 31:279-83 PDF


01 - Henning, F and SR Matioli (2006) Mating time of the west indian fruit fly Anastrepha obliqua (Macquart) (Diptera: Tephritidae) under laboratory conditions. Neotropical Entomology 35:145-8 PDF

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